Paula Santucci, NH Women's Hiking Group. May 9, 2017

This episode features Paula Santucci, co-creator of the popular NH Women's Hiking Group on Facebook and avid White Mountain hiker.  Highlights include learning how the NH Women's Hiking Group got started, how female hikers in the Northeast are providing such a strong atmosphere of support for other hiking women, and how Paula's wife almost stepped on a bear cub.  (!)

Please note this episode was recorded via Skype.  This was the girls' first recorded interview with someone over Skype and they are still learning how to deal with sound issues when recording in this format.  Sound quality is good, but you will notice a slight echo from time to time.

Click here for the link to the mp3

[This is Trish posting this time around -- the girls interviewed Paula and created this episode a few weeks ago, before they left on vacation with their dad.  I am posting the episode today on their behalf to keep with their goal of having one episode out every two weeks.]

Samantha Brady, May 5, 2017

We had the pleasure of interviewing

Samantha Brady

for this episode of GraniteGals.   Samantha is a Search and Rescue volunteer and an avid four-season hiker, and she works at the Mt. Washington Observatory.

In this recording, Samantha talks about her favorite and least favorite 4Ks, the ups and downs of working on the Northeast's highest summit, her time with Backpacker Magazine's 2014 Get Out More Women's Tour, the rewarding experience of being a Search and Rescue volunteer, and more! 

Download the mp3 here

Note: we will eventually offer GraniteGals as a traditional podcast.  We need to change our blogger host first though, and in order to do that we must wait another three weeks (it's a technical issue with host licensing agreements).

Pam Wilmot. April 27, 2017.

For our second podcast episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing Pam Wilmot, four-season White Mountain hiker and Appalachian Mountain Club group hiking leader.  We interviewed Pam at Common Cause Massachusetts in Boston, MA.  In this interview, we discuss everything from Pam's favorite Four Thousand Footers to her experiences on Rainier to her enjoyment guiding groups both here in the Whites and overseas.  It was a great interview, and we thank Pam for her time.  Click on the following for the link to the mp3 --

Granite Gals, Episode Two: Pam Wilmot.  April 27, 2017