Trish Herr, mom to Alexandra and Sage. June 14, 2017

Hello everyone!  We went on vacation with our dad for a few weeks and the timing of the interviews was thrown off a bit.  This week, so we can release an episode on time, we decided to interview Trish Herr, our mom.  After this episode, we will go back to interviewing other, non-family, female hikers.

Trish (Mom) is the person who has taken us hiking from the beginning.  She's the one responsible for getting us out there; it is almost always the three of us when we hike, whether it's New Hampshire or the John Muir Trail or highpointing, etc. - she is and always has been the adult with us (though I, Alex, now go solo in the summer from time to time).  Trish (Mom) has kept records of all our hikes on her website,

Click on this link to download the mp3 of the interview -- Trish Herr, June 14, 2017

        Portrait by Alexandra Herr (May 2017)

        Portrait by Alexandra Herr (May 2017)

Any day now we hope to have the iTunes podcast account good to go.  We've done what we need to do on our takes time for the blog host name to transfer.  If it hasn't happened by the end of this week then we'll start investigating.  Right now though, the transfer process is still within the normal timeframe.