Professor Mary Ann McGarry. October 30, 2017

Alex and Sage had the pleasure of speaking with Professor Mary Ann McGarry last Monday.  Professor McGarry is the Chair of Plymouth State University's Department of Environmental Science and Policy.  In this episode of GraniteGals, Professor McGarry discusses hiking the Four Thousand Footers, hiking with her daughter, the importance of Bicknell's Thrush, environmental science education, and much more. 

(Note -- much of New Hampshire lost power last Sunday evening, including us.  The power was just turned on in our home last night, and both Alex and Sage are trying to catch up on their schoolwork since most of their work is done over the internet.  Therefore, in an effort to help out the girls, I, Trish Herr, edited this episode of GraniteGals and posted it to this website).

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